On Evolution
William Q.
A correspondent of PATH says:
I am unable to get a comprehensive view of evolution theosophically.
Does a "round" mean once around the 7 planets which belong to the
earth chain? If so, how is the moon our parent?
A round means a going once around the seven globes of the earth-chain.
It was also called a "ring." Some have confused it with incarnating
in the seven races on any one planet.
The seven races have to go seven times around the seven globes of this
chain, developing in each the
characteristics of each, which cannot be obtained in any other way.
There are seven globes in the chain, of which the earth is one. The
other six are not visible to us, as they are made of matter in a different
state, and on a different plane from matter as we know it and see it.
The first race began on Globe No. 1 and carried on evolution there, and
then went to Globe No. 2, and so on all around the seven. This it did seven
times. Race No. 2 proceeded similarly, having in its possession all that
was gained by No.1. We are now the Fifth Race engaged in going round the whole
chain; hence we are called those of the Fourth Round, but are the Fifth Race.
We must go round the whole chain of 7 planets 3 times more
before as a race we are perfected.
When the Seventh Round is finished, as well as the halt for rest that
follows, we begin again as a Sixth Race and go through Seven Rounds as such.
When that is concluded we begin as the Seventh Race and repeat the process of
Seven Rounds through the chain, thus bringing the grand evolution for this
chain to a perfect end. After that we pass on upon a
higher plane, the possessors of all the knowledge and development
acquired during that sevenfold progress. This is the outline of the grand
and, as you see, includes the whole series of seven planets.
But in every round of planets, on each one, and in each race as it
begins and proceeds, there are many sub-races, root races, and offshoots, all
necessary in the process of development for each race. For a race cannot spring
up in a moment, out of nothing; it must grow forth from something.
Therefore a new race is made by offshoots making sub-roots that finally
grow slowly in the main race which will be. This is occurring in
It is now plain that ring and round do not mean the process of going
through the race in its process of formation on any planet, as its beginnings
come on and are finally replaced by its finished product, but that these words
refer to the grand march around the whole chain of globes, of which this earth
is the fourth.
The question about the moon ought now to be clear. It is evident that
the moon is not one of the 7 planets. By reading the Secret Doctrine we see
that the moon is a deserted planet on the same plane as the earth-a
fourth-round globe of a previous manvantara.
It is the old fourth globe of an old chain, and is the parent of the
earth, while the other six globes of our chain have similar parents, visible only
from those globes. It is our parent because we came from it when the hour
struck, long ago, for the migration from it of the humanity that had thereon
passed through its grand sevenfold pilgrimage. In like manner, some future day,
this earth will become "a moon" to some newer planet not now born.
Ques. 2-If the prototype of all forms has always existed, how can new
forms come through evolution of the physical or material?
New material forms may come, but they are not prototypes. The latter are
not material, therefore no confusion between the two can exist. There is
evolution of material forms, but prototypes remain unaffected. This is a
question which requires the questioner to look up exact meanings of the words
used by him. It is not substantial. Fix the true meanings and the confusion
will vanish.
Ques. 3-If man made his first appearance as a material body, why does
the embryo pass through all the changes, vegetable and animal, before
It is the order of nature. All the atoms have to grow used to their work
before they can do it well and quickly. At first as astral atoms only, they do
it over and over again until all the atoms acquire the habit of doing it
without fail. They then go on to other work. This having been the way for ages,
the human body is now gestated in nine months, whereas at earlier periods such
gestation took years, later on fewer years, and finally as now. In future times
the process will be finished more quickly, and then the embryo will pass
through all these old states almost instantaneously.
The reason, therefore, is that the physical human
molecules of this period of evolution have only acquired the ability to
pass through the series in nine months, as a result of millions of years of
prior slow work. For nature goes by steps, one at a time. The embryo exhibits
these phases because there are still left in the matter used the old
impressions, and racial evolution is gradually wiping them out by transforming
them into new organs, by eliminating those not useful and by
condemning others. When the work is fully understood by every atom so
that it acts with unerring, machine-like precision, it will be possible to
bring out a body in a very short space of time.
Path, July, 1892
Webpage Posted by Dave Marsland
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